Items that you can get in Pocket Camp

Best Tips and Tricks for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

Items that you can get in Pocket Camp

Pocket Camp is the game where you have to find the furniture you like and design that in such a way at your campsite in the way that you like. You can create your own café with fireplaces, hammocks, tents, and also a stuffed animal sofa. You can also arrange the music which will give a festival theme and also light up your mood a little bit. It is an amazing game that gives you the best gaming experience where there are so many features, and these are the features that make the game even more interesting to play.


There are so many things in the game that you can get, so many items that make the game interesting which you can use. There are so many different features in the game which even makes the game more interesting. Some of the features that can experience are mentioned in the following points:

  • You can design the campsite just the way you want.
  • You can also collect the different items for the Garden Events and Fishing Tourneys.
  • There are around 1000 pieces of purchase, more than 300 pieces of accessories and clothing from which you can choose the one.
  • There are also more than 100 animals that have quirky personalities.

Not just that, there are several more things in the game that makes it more interesting and insist people play the game. You can also get so many different types of items in the game that you can get or use in several different ways. If you want to get further information regarding that, then you can read it till the end!!

Ultimate Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Guide for Free Leaf Tickets

Different items in Pocket Camp

There are several things that you can experience that you can enjoy in the game, and some of those items are mentioned in the following points

Brake Tapper

If you want to get the brake tapper, you will need 2700 Leaf Tickets to help you in the game.

Brake Tapper
Brake Tapper

Campsite sign

You can also get the campsite sign in the game, which you can buy for around 2500 Leaf Tickets.

Camping Sign
Camping Sign

Fortune-cookie cart

If you want the Fortune-cookie cart, then you will be able to get that for around 2600 Leaf Tickets.

Fortune-cookie cart
Fortune-cookie cart

Market Place decoration

You can have the marketplace decoration for about 3200 Leaf Tickets.

Market Place decoration
Market Place decoration

OK Motors sign

For around 3000, you will be able to get the OK motors signs in the game.

OK Motors sign
OK Motors sign

OK Motors cap

You can also get the chance to get some amazing cap of OK motors and that also or about 770 Leaf Tickets

Camper tee

Another thing that you can get in the game is a camper tee, and that you can get in about 840 Leaf Tickets.

OK Motors jacket

There is also OK Motors jacket that you will get in the game.

These are the items that a person can get in the game, and if you have them, you can use them for several different purposes.

OK Motors jacket
OK Motors jacket